Who are these programs for?
Creative aging programs are designed for active, independent older adults, aged 55+.
Who teaches these workshops?
Professional teaching artists facilitate Creative Aging programs in a variety of community settings. They are active working artists who are also teachers, experienced in designing and delivering sequential curriculum and skill building lessons in their particular arts disciplines.
How To find qualified teaching artists to hire
Contact your local borough arts council or Lifetime Arts to help find qualified teaching artists.
- Bronx Council on the Arts
- Brooklyn Arts Council
- Lower Manhattan Cultural Council
- Queens Council on the Arts
- Staten Island Arts
- Lifetime Arts Creative Aging Roster
Where do Creative Aging workshops happen?
Creative aging workshops can be held in virtually any community space (public or private) where older adults can comfortably and safely congregate and create. Across the country, public libraries, museums, senior centers, community centers, residential spaces, and arts organizations offer this type of programming.
- Use a dedicated space that is conducive to the art form and free from distractions:
- Dance: Can’t be rehearsed/performed on a concrete or tile floor
- Painting: There must be a convenient water source nearby
- Visual Arts: The teaching artist will need access to a storage space for works in progress
- Avoid scheduling workshops during the lunch hour
- Host programs in ADA compliant spaces