Bringing SU-CASA and Creative Aging into the City Arts Ecosystem

Strengthening creative aging in NYC involves raising the profile of SU-CASA and opening the doors to wider engagement with potential partners.

  • Market and raise the profile of SU-CASA.
    • Issue a joint DFTA-DCLA press release promoting the information about the art mediums and classes being offered as soon as possible once decided, with a full list of when and where classes will take place. Promote this list on social media to encourage participation. Encourage all City Council members to share the information on their social media and in their newsletters.
    • Institute a searchable system to allow seniors to look for arts classes at centers in their neighborhood on an ongoing basis. (The NYC Parks online events calendar is an example.)
    • Invite stakeholders to program sessions and culminating events: participants’ family and friends, as well as City Council members, other elected officials, community partners, local businesses, and potential funders.
    • Have open house events at senior centers to increase visibility in their neighborhoods.
    • Set aside a small pool of funds for groups to compete for SU-CASA special awards, including the opportunity to perform or exhibit at other locations (or conferences, etc.). When programs are successful, participants would like to show their work beyond their senior center.
  • Encourage senior center directors to align SU-CASA programs with their overall programming, such as by incorporating a field trip that is relevant to the program but open to all center members.
  • Promote the importance of creative aging in NYC and beyond through an emphasis on partnerships, research, and continued integration with age-friendly practice and policy.
    • Build on the success of the Culture Pass program (allowing individuals with a library card free access to participating arts institutions) by allowing those with a DFTA senior center card to enjoy the same privileges.
    • Build the capacity of the senior services network (not just senior centers) to offer creative aging programs.
    • Recruit more cultural organizations to be champions of creative aging.
    • Recruit academic partners to conduct research/evaluation in collaboration with senior-serving organizations, arts organizations, and older adults.
  • Promote intergenerational opportunities, including storytelling projects or video collaborations with students.
